to reach Asian Pacific Americans, reach for Asian Fortune news


To Reach More Asian Americans, Reach for Asian Fortune

Award Winning Newspaper Serving the Pan Asian American Multicultural Community Since 1993

2013 Advertising Rates (Net) & Specifications Print

Feature Article Rates: $1.75/word, minimum 300 words
Display Rates: Per Column Inch Open Rate: $95.00

For Advertising rate information, please call Pat at 703-753-8295 or email for print and online rates.

Mechanical Requirements

Each type page is 5 columns (10 inches) wide by 13 inches tall. Full page ads should not exceed 12.5 inches tall. Each ad column is 11 picas wide.
Full page10” wide by 12.5”tall
2/3 page8” w by 10” deep, or 10” w by 8” deep
Half page Horizontal10” wide by 6.15” tall
Half page Vertical4.75” wide bye 12.5” tall
1/4 page4.75” wide by 6.15” tall
1/8 page4.75” wide by 3” tall

Electronic Artwork in PDF to:


2013 Schedules for Space Reservation
Artwork, Printing and Distribution
Month Space Reservation Artwork Due Date Printing & Distribution
January Wed. 12/19 Wed. 12/24 Mon. 12/31
Febuary Wed. 01/16 Wed. 01/23 Mon. 01/28
March Wed. 02/13 Wed. 02/20 Mon. 02/25
April Wed. 03/13 Wed. 03/20 Sun. 03/31
May Wed. 04/17 Wed. 04/24 Mon. 04/29
June Wed. 05/15 Wed. 05/22 Tues. 05/28
July Wed. 06/19 Wed. 06/26 Sun. 06/30
August Wed. 07/17 Wed. 07/24 Mon. 07/29
September Wed. 08/14 Wed. 08/21 Mon. 08/26
October Wed. 09/18 Wed. 09/25 Mon. 09/30
November Wed. 10/16 Wed. 10/23 Mon. 10/28
December Wed. 11/13 Wed. 11/20 Mon. 11/25
January(2014) Wed. 12/18 Mon. 12/23 Mon. 12/30

Website: Email: Telephone: 703-753-8295 Fax: furnished upon request Address: 8070 Criaza Branch Ct. Vienna, VA 22182

Linking Your Business to the Growing Asian American Market

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