include("site/config/") ?>
@mysql_select_db($database_art) or die( "Unable to select database");
//getting top story
$query1 = "SELECT id, title, title_sub, author, pic_main, content, category FROM `art_1212` WHERE order_of_importance = '1' order by order_within_cat ASC";
$result1 = mysql_query($query1);
$num1 = mysql_numrows($result1);
//getting 3 stories in left column
$query2 = "SELECT id, title, title_sub, author, pic_main, category FROM `art_1212` WHERE order_of_importance = '2' order by order_within_cat ASC";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
$num2 = mysql_numrows($result2);
//getting 4 stories in right column
$query3 = "SELECT id, title, title_sub, author, pic_main, category FROM `art_1212` WHERE order_of_importance = '3' order by order_within_cat ASC";
$result3 = mysql_query($query3);
$num3 = mysql_numrows($result3);
//getting profiles
$query4 = "SELECT id, title, title_sub, author, pic_main FROM `art_1212` WHERE order_of_importance = '4' order by order_within_cat ASC";
$result4 = mysql_query($query4);
$num4 = mysql_numrows($result4);
//getting the rest of the articles which do not below to a category
$queryRest = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE order_of_importance >6 and category is null order by order_of_importance";
$resultRest = mysql_query($queryRest);
$numRest = mysql_numrows($resultRest);
//getting election other than ones in 1-3
$queryBus = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'election' and order_of_importance >3";
$resultBus = mysql_query($queryBus);
$numBus = mysql_numrows($resultBus);
//getting education other than ones in 1-3
$queryEdu = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'education' and order_of_importance >3";
$resultEdu = mysql_query($queryEdu);
$numEdu = mysql_numrows($resultEdu);
//getting health other than ones in 1-3
$queryHea = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'health' and order_of_importance >3";
$resultHea = mysql_query($queryHea);
$numHea = mysql_numrows($resultHea);
//getting international other than ones in 1-3
$queryInt = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'apa' and order_of_importance >3";
$resultInt = mysql_query($queryInt);
$numInt = mysql_numrows($resultInt);
//getting culture other than ones in 1-3
$queryCul = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'business' and order_of_importance >3 order by order_within_cat";
$resultCul = mysql_query($queryCul);
$numCul = mysql_numrows($resultCul);
//getting new_publication other than ones in 1-3
$queryPub = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'new_publication' and order_of_importance >3";
$resultPub = mysql_query($queryPub);
$numPub = mysql_numrows($resultPub);
//getting seniors other than ones in 1-3
$querySen = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'entertainment' and order_of_importance >3";
$resultSen = mysql_query($querySen);
$numSen = mysql_numrows($resultSen);
//getting youth other than ones in 1-3
$queryYou = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'youth' and order_of_importance >3";
$resultYou = mysql_query($queryYou);
$numYou = mysql_numrows($resultYou);
//getting entertainment other than ones in 1-3
$queryEnt = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'arts' and order_of_importance >3";
$resultEnt = mysql_query($queryEnt);
$numEnt = mysql_numrows($resultEnt);
//getting sports other than ones in 1-3
$querySpr = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'sports' and order_of_importance >3";
$resultSpr = mysql_query($querySpr);
$numSpr = mysql_numrows($resultSpr);
//getting politics other than ones in 1-3
$queryPol = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'politics' and order_of_importance >3";
$resultPol = mysql_query($queryPol);
$numPol = mysql_numrows($resultPol);
//getting columns
$queryCol = "SELECT id, title, title_sub, author, pic_main FROM `art_1212` WHERE order_of_importance = '5' order by order_within_cat ASC";
$resultCol = mysql_query($queryCol);
$numCol = mysql_numrows($resultCol);
//getting articles/captions that are less important than columns
$query6 = "SELECT id, title, title_sub FROM `art_1212` WHERE order_of_importance = '6' order by order_within_cat ASC";
$result6 = mysql_query($query6);
$num6 = mysql_numrows($result6);
//getting articles/captions that are for the Alist
$queryAlist = "SELECT id, title, title_sub, author, pic_main, category FROM `art_1212` WHERE category = 'a' order by order_within_cat ASC";
$resultAlist = mysql_query($queryAlist);
$numAlist = mysql_numrows($resultAlist);
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