5 Functional yet Aesthetic Ways to Elevate Your Bedroom Design

In essence, your bedroom must be the comfiest area in your home, but when your design style comes into play, it’s easy to forgo comfort. Form trumps function every time—but that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. These bedrooms demonstrate that you may have both cozy and elegant vibes in one space. Getting out of bed every morning has just become more tough.

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# 1 Give the Layout a Second Look

Rethinking the standard layout of a tiny bedroom design is usually beneficial. Arrange the furnishings to help you feel less overwhelmed. To avoid the area seeming crowded, place the majority of the furniture on only one wall, preferably the one you see the least when you’re in it.

Try to keep the furniture in a small bedroom design to a minimum by using clever multipurpose items, such as a sideboard that also serves as a dressing table.

# 2 Make Those Corners Work

When space is at a premium, clever storage solutions are required. The proprietors of this little attic bedroom ideas made advantage of an inconvenient recess area in a tight corner to create bespoke built-in work desk/display table. Using an otherwise unused location for hidden storage prevents clutter from intruding on an already restricted amount of space.


Any visible goods will make the bedroom design appear congested – and hence much smaller – so keep them out of sight.

# 3 Try to Incorporate Storage Around the Bed

Customized closets are the most effective solution to maximize your bedroom storage space. Building wardrobes on either side of the bed aids in the creation of a frame that keeps the focus on that single wall. This frees up significant space on the remaining walls by removing any impediments. Instead, use the other walls to display paintings or mirrors.

You may make better use of the space by adding storage above the bed, but be careful not to make the design appear old – or cramped with too much going on.

# 4 Rethink Surface Choices

Use reflecting materials to give the optical appearance of extending space to double the impression of a tiny bedroom design. Who hasn’t strolled into a pub and believed it was twice the size, only to discover it was a brilliant use of mirrors that fooled you? Mirrored wardrobes, a reflective shining wall covering, and mirrored bedside tables are employed in the small bedroom to make it appear larger than it is.


If employing all three feels too overwhelming, don’t worry; the same principles apply when only one of these aspects is used. When creating your compact bedroom design, consider where you can best install reflecting surfaces.

# 5 Headboards Can Double Up as Storage

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If you’re tight on room, go for a headboard like this one, which has a storage gap and a surface area where you may keep items. This means you can get rid of large bedside tables because you’ll have a convenient place to store your nighttime reading. Install wall lighting as well if you want to go the extra mile.

So, these were a few bedroom design ideas to help you create a pretty yet practical space. With these ideas, you can give a new look to your favorite spot in the house and create the perfect setting for spending some quality me-time. However, while these tips are excellent for making a few small changes here and there, it’s best to get in touch with a professional interior designer for some bespoke ideas. There are several excellent interior design firms such as Livspace that offer a range of design services to transform your homes. These firms are known for providing end-to-end solutions to all your interior design needs and can put your décor woes to rest.

Visit their website to know more about their offerings.