IGNITE: 2013 Korean American Inaugural Celebration Inaugur-Asian Coverage Amy Zeng February 5, 2013 Politics Share Facebook Twitter Stumbleupon LinkedIn Pinterest Party-goers pose for camera and the memory at the Korean American Inauguration Celebration Jennifer Yoo (I), Voice of America broadcaster, and friend Christian Oh of Kollaboration DC. Visiting several inaugural parties, MSNBC anchor Richard Lui (I), a frequent AF’s A-Lister chats with friends. The event honored Korea American political leaders who are making history throughout the country. One of them, the “Inspire Award” recipient, Pennsylvania State Representative Party Kim (I) speaks with Jee Lee, a Voice of America broadcaster. Terry McAuliffe (center), former Democratic National Committee Chairman, and VA gubernatorial candidate stops by to greet guests. Here he chats with Cindy Shao of Asian American Business (r). Share Facebook Twitter Stumbleupon LinkedIn Pinterest